Enviromental & Community outreach services
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Wildlife and enviromental related cosulancy services
Dolores sit ipsum velit purus aliquet, massa fringilla leo orci sit ipsum.
Promote sustainable natural resource conservation
Dolores sit ipsum velit purus aliquet, massa fringilla leo orci sit ipsum.
About Wildlife Conservation Initiative
The Wildlife Conservation Initiative (WCI) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), established on 22/12/2022 with registration No. 00NGO/R/2717, as a non-profit making organization focusing on conducting activities related to wildlife conservation to complement what the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) and its institutions are doing to achieve sustainable conservation of natural resources in the Tanzania Mainland. Such activities include research and consultancy to support or in collaboration with Management Authorities, research institutions, other conservation stakeholders and the general public. As aforementioned, the role of WCI is to complement the efforts of other stakeholders using the knowledge and experience of members of WCI and not competition. The WCI headquarters is in Arusha but operates in the entire regions and protected areas of Mainland Tanzania.
Protecting Wildlife In Tanzania
How are we protecting wildlife?
Community conservation work in Tanzania
We’re working hand-in-hand with vulnerable communities living on the borders of National Parks and in important wildlife corridors to help reduce the burdens of living alongside wildlife and the poverty that can lead to wildlife crime. We’re working to improve livelihood opportunities, financial resilience and wellbeing of the communities. And we’re building positive relationships between local people, park rangers and managers. Together, we can protect the vital ecosystems provided by the protected areas.
Conserve threatened wildlife and wild places to sustain life on Earth
Wildlife populations and ecosystems are essential for human health and wellbeing. However, human activities expose wildlife populations to disease, resulting in population declines and species extinctions. They also expose people and domestic animals to disease from wildlife hosts with serious implications for human health and livelihoods. This interconnection between people, animals, plants forms the basis of our approach.
Save Elephants Through Community Development
Human-Elephant Conflict is a significant conservation and poverty issue in Africa. It threatens elephant populations through retaliatory killings and increased hostility towards elephants, leading to tolerance of poaching. It harms the livelihoods of farmers, as crop-raiding results into reduced food security. It also deteriorates relations between communities and wildlife authorities. Our project guides the local community to use non-lethal methods to reduce conflicts with elephants, reduce crop losses and diversify local economic livelihoods- a win-win solution for both the community by reducing crop losses from elephant and conserving biodiversity.
Planning process
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Develop objectives
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Determine resources
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Create a timeline
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Finalize plan
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